First Impressions Last

Do your customers’ use a lift to access your business? If the answer is yes then that journey could be the first impression they have of you and your business.

The National Elevator Industry, Inc. estimates that elevators in the U.S. and Canada travel a whopping 1.36 billion miles per year. That’s more than 2,700 trips to the moon and back, although in the UK the figures are a lot less, over time your lift interior can take quite a beating.

If your lift interior looks outdated it can give the impression your building is old, so it may be worth considering updating your lift cabin

The cabin walls set the tone for the style and although there are so many types to choose from ie. laminate, glass, steel, wood, they need to be durable. Lighting is another key feature, consider upgrading to LED lights for an energy effective but brighter feel. Cabin upgrades also include flooring, handrails and control panels, you may only need to replace a few elements of your cab to give it a sleek new makeover, and the image your business deserves.

If you feel you need a totally new lift due to its age or possible mechanical issues please call us and we can help 01256 896000

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